HKD$380 |
Xyza Cruz Bacani – 一位曾多次獲得國際獎項的攝影師,但她曾經也是一位外傭。
Xyza Cruz Bacani 和香港結下不解緣,她家裡的三代也在香港工作,這令她對外傭離鄉工作,別有一番感受。 Xyza 以她標誌性的黑白照片,記錄這群女性如何為香港寫下幕幕動人故事。
家庭傭工出身的Xyza Cruz Bacani,以鏡頭反客為主,用相片刻劃外傭的共同經歷。在鏡頭下,Xyza細意捕捉外傭的工作情況、生活點滴,部分更在她們僱主的居所中拍攝,每一張相片都充滿真實感。每輯相片都有一個關於離鄉別井,為家人、為生活掙扎的故事,每個故事有喜有悲,透過本書,讀者可以更加了解這群為本地家庭付出良多,卻是「活著如風」的隱形強人。
Xyza Cruz Bacani
Xyza Cruz Bacani 出生於1987年,是一名菲律賓籍的駐港街頭紀實攝影師。作為一位曾於香港工作接近十年的第二代外籍家庭傭工,她特別關注移民及人權的議題,希望能藉攝影作品令更多人關心外傭的處境。
她更獲菲律賓眾議院通過決議案(HR No.1969)以特別表揚她在攝影方面的卓越成就。Xyza曾獲各項殊榮,包括: 被選為2018年度亞洲協會「亞洲21青年領袖」、2016年「30位30歲以下出色女攝影師」(30 Under 30 Women Photographers) 、《福布斯》「30位30歲以下亞洲菁英」(30 Under 30 Asia)、2015年BBC 全球百大女性及FUJIFILM大使。她亦是WMA 2016/17年度委託計劃、普立茲中心資助計劃(2017)及開放社會基金會「移除高牆」項目(2017)得主。
2018 | We Are Like Air, Open Source Gallery, New York, USA Under Represented Christine Park Gallery, PhotoFairs San Francisco, USA |
2017 | American Chamber of Commerce Gallery, Hong Kong Street Photography International Photography Hall of Fame and Museum Saint Louis, Missouri USA Modern Slavery Cho Why Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand Modern Slavery Bangkok Arts and Cultural Centre United Nations Women Open Society Moving Walls Bearing Witness Galley 102, Washington D.C |
2016 | Under Represented Christine Park Gallery at Apiary Studios London, United Kingdom “The Outlier” Arrow Factory Beijing,China Modern Slavery MCG Youth and Arts Gallery, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Nostalgia Hong Kong Art in Residence Modern Slavery, Kong Art Space, Hong Kong Humans of Makati, Ayala Triangle Gardens Metro Manila What Works Bronx Documentary Center New York Women in Photography Objectifs Centre Singapore Expressions Corniche Millennium Hotel AbuDhabi UAE After Work, Para/Site Gallery, Hong Kong |
2015 | Behid Concrete Walls, KUC Space, Hong Kong Shared Past, The Foreign Correspondence Club, Hong Kong Mono, Kong Art Space, Hong Kong Slices of Life, Macau Old Court Building, Macau Unpredictable... Unscripted : Street Photography by Filipinos, Vargar Museum, Quezon City |
2014 | Mono, The Foreign Correspondence Club, Hong Kong Xyza in Focus, The Philippine Consulate General, Hong Kong Streetscapes, The Photographic Angle, UK touring exhibition Manila Photo, SM Aura Atrium and Samsung Hall, Manila |
2013 | The Nature Conservancy, Hong Kong |
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2017 | Open Society Documentary Photography Grantee WMA Commission Grantee PDN’s New And Emerging Photographer to Watch Philippine Tatler Genertion T |
2016 | Pulitzer Center Grantee Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia: The Arts Photo Boite 30 Under 30 Women Photographers Style Weekend Women Who Wow |
2015 | BBC 100 Women The Standard Young Visionary of the Year (Photojournalism) |
2014 | Justice Centre Human Rights Arts Prize Human Rights Press Award (Special merit) HIPA Photography Award : Face Category (Fifth place) National Geographic Awards, Hong Kong (Finalist) |
2013 | National Geographic Awards, Hong Kong (Finalist) |
2012 | National Geographic Awards, Hong Kong (Finalist) |
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